
18 April, 2024

Our Paper titled “Evaluating AI for Law: Bridging the Gap with Open-Source Solutions.” won the best paper award at the 4th Machine Lawyering Conference.

13 February, 2024

Successfully defended my PhD Thesis titled “Natural Language Processing for Justifiable Legal Practitioner Assistance.”

6 December 2023

Our paper “Using Social Media to Help Understand Long COVID Patient-Reported Health Outcomes: A Natural Language Processing Approach” has been published in Journal of Medical Internet Research.

6 October 2023

Our paper “Legally Enforceable Hate Speech Detection for Public Forums” has been accepted to EMNLP 2023 as a Findings paper.

20 September 2023

Launch of

1 May, 2023

We had 3 papers — “A Simple and Effective Framework for Strict Zero-Shot Hierarchical Classification”, “Prototype-Based Interpretability for Legal Citation Prediction”, and “Prefix Propagation: Parameter-Efficient Tuning for Long Sequences” accepted to the ACL 2023 Main Conference.

12 December, 2021

Our paper “Interpretable Low-Resource Legal Decision Making” has been accepted to the AAAI Main Conference under the AI for Social Impact Track.

13 August, 2021

Our proposal “Risk of Confusion for Trademarks” for Mitacs Accelerate Entrepreneur has been accepted.

5 September, 2019

Began my PhD at Queen’s University under the supervision of Prof. Xiaodan Zhu